Tuesday, October 8, 2013

SAP Predictive Analysis 1.0 SP 11 Installation steps

About Predictive Analysis:- SAP Predictive Analysis is a statistical analysis and data mining solution that enables you to build predictive models to discover hidden insights and relationships in your data, from which you can make predictions about future events.

SAP Predictive Analysis inherits data acquisition and data manipulation functionality from SAP Lumira.

Installation Prerequisite:-
Before installing SAP Predictive Analysis, make sure the following requirements are met:
* You must have Microsoft Windows 7, windows 8 operating system installed on your machine. SAP Predictive Analysis is supported on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines. And for Windows XP it supports 32 bit machines.

* If you have already installed SAP Lumira or Visual intelligence on your machine, you need to uninstall it before installing SAP Predictive Analysis.

* You must have administrator rights to install SAP Predictive Analysis

* The installation directory should have 500MB, Port 6401 & in between 4520-4539 one port should be available for Sybase IQ database and SAP Predictive analysis installation respectively.

Download the installable files:-
Download the required SP level from SMP with s,c or I user ID and copy those files in the server where you are going to install the PA.

Once you download the installable files click on exe file.

If you receives the above message that means you download the wrong 62 bit file of PA. So in this case download the correct file from market place.

 If you receives the above message then may be one of the below mentioned component is already installed in the system.

SAP Predictive Analysis

Visual Intelligence

R (any version)

So first UN-install all the component mentioned above and start the installation again

Initially the SAP PA installed with 30 days trial license. You have to request a permanent license key in SMP and have to installed it later on your environment. You can find more details in the SAPNOTE 1871607 - How to request a license key for SBOP Predictive Analysis Service on SAP Service Marketplace

Rafikul Hussain


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